Sunday, June 22, 2008


back here on the blogging board typing some stuff that had happened.

current state of mind:
what other NTU adminstration part did i missed?
which camp should i go for?
how am i going abt to celebrate duckie's birthday?
online business?

this is so troublesome and when can i have a empty state of mind?

alrights.duckie have been in army for like..10 days already!yay.mean in another 94 hours duckie would be out and be right beside me..

to be honest life without him its a little different.different attiitude from my family..the biggest now i have to get hm like at 10 pm everyday?so ridiculous.

okeis without now is filled with FRIENDS!ha.i really enjoy the company of my friends but do this affect my piority when it comes to BF's call.i am not too sure!hahha.

okies.met up with band's friend like so many times this week!
1. learn to make 2 types of tian tang
2. online business

miss retard have been so sweet to make a photo album for me and the so cute graduation bear!its so super duper sweet!and i am so glad i found a friend like her!may god bless her and let her dream come true!

miss bestfriend.have been such a wonderful of those rare friend whom will go all extend just to help you or fufill your request!i am so so lucky i have found her.and i promise i will treausre this special friendship we share for life!

miss princess have been extremely nice too. the first to get me my birthday gift and its the bag that i love most!omg.i love you s o much girl!

and i bought duckie's birthdya present today!hope he will like it!oh well, he have to no matter what for that army boy!haha.

thats all.

next week will be another packed week!

i wanna stay and home and rot and have money all at the same time!


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