Monday, November 9, 2009


just started another drama of mine. its reflect how vulnerable life can be. unpredictable. i always have this kind of thoughts coming through me. will all life end at 2012? i wish it could, because life have been a tiring journey. a journey where there are both sweet and bitter memories. but when it comes to seeing the world, sometimes i am just lost. people can be superficial, evil and also nice and lovely, too big a contrast. its hard to differentiate, some decision you made, some judgments you had passed, may meant a great deal. its just to sophisticated to be understood and have the most rational decision. life is a journey. and i really hope i can make the fullest out of it. to learn to be a better person.

if it were to end there, there will be so many regrets and unfulfilled dreams. but the end may also be the end of misery and let everything to be remembered as its most beautiful way.

sometimes i wonder if i know who am i? what am i doing on planet earth? if i am on a mission, am i doing it well. could things have been better?or i already work hard enough to achieve what i have today. in fact human grumbles, and i think i grumble too much. maybe just take life easy and enjoy!

many things happend, good and bad. and i hope i have learn from all that happened to be a better person.

learn to love and cherish.

studying. many setbacks. but still i am willing to work forward. i have to learn to keep telling myself, to be selfless and if i did my best, its enough. don't take the numbers too hard, this 2 things are the hurdles that i must pass.

friends. although not many or not too few. i love them and i hope i did my role as a good friend.

family. as usual. mom just hope she can see a better purpose in life. grandma if only she is less grumpy, less pessimistic, less defensive about SK. aunt. she is living a life of her own and enjoys it. i am happy for her and always willing to make it better if i could.

boyfriend. this i have lots to improve on. maybe i should just find out what if LOVE?

myself. character,got to learn to be someone with a little more depth, and i hope i can understand myself better too. to be a better person, and have more courage to do what i think i want and what i think is correct. more firm with my stand. perhaps be careful with my words. it think most of sins come from my mouth. got to learn to correct it. FU and HUO are both from the mouth. be humble and do not overestimate myself.

okay enough of ranting, sleepy! time to sleep.

exams are coming. study hard and play hard! JIAYOU!


Friday, August 28, 2009

28 August 2009,friday midnight.

today is union day in school and so i am free and suppose to spend my time studying and catching up my stuff. HOWEVER i don't seem to be able to find my motivation from anywhere. after all, its still week3. long way still. HAHA. cannot think that way must JIAYOU and study hard. shall touch my organic notes a little before i tuck into my bed later.

have to clean my room early in the morning before meeting sharonliew at town! yea. girls day out tml!(:

my state of mind now.
1. time is flying way too fast for me to appreciate and remember! can't even remember what i did everyday. it seem repetitious and dull. trying hard to make it more meaningful and interesting.
2. mr tree. a little disappointed when it comes to him. i feel that he had changed and things aren't as loving and sweet as before. more of screaming and lying. no longer the mr nice and fantastic guy i always picture him as. but i still love him. or should it be use to have him?i don't know and i am not sure. but we shall continue..
3.i am fickle.i had thoughts about you. it comes and go. i dont know how you think. but i think its more of a NAH. perhaps i am just too sensitive or think too much. let all this bad thoughts go away! its bad and i can't afford it.
4. i need to do well in school. i know.
5. i want better complexion, skinner and be prettier! i know its superficial. and i know there are many other things that are more important. beauty aren't everything. but you can't afford not to have it either. just like money.
6. more friends more outings more oversea trips more laughters.i know i am greedy. i don't understand why can't i be satisfied too.
7. i want to be a better person. doing all the right things and eliminating all the evil thoughts. i must believe that people are good and i shan't have negative views on them. i must learn to be contented.
8. learn to treasure life and be happier.

okay!that's about it.


Friday, August 7, 2009

7 Aug 2009 1.43am

its time to pen down the little things that happened during this 1 year(from the last day i blogged) before i start to forget and regret.

the last time we stopped when i was uncertain abt SPMS camp. and now i have finished 2 semester and very soon moving on to my second year. lets talk abt school.definitely school comes with stress!and we all need to find a way to handle it.i hope i've found mine and i wished that i will do even better in my 3rd semester.YOU CAN DO IT!(:have to learn to focus and put in hard work to get results.6hours of lab.i am afraid i will screwed it up!please dont.cant afford to look like a silly girl again.i wish everything will turn out fine!wish me a successful and smooth 3rd semester in NTU!

NTU was a new phased in life.but i think i missed out a whole lot of 'uni life' when i didnt stay in hall.the people i know are limited which led to the fun and memories in uni to be limited as well. but i have also made myself a few sharon PK and WK.people whom i enjoyed their company and also make life in uni not that unbearable like 1st sem.sharon shall always be my only uni friend.

family have been the same since the last time i blogged. just that everyone are getting older.but i also wished them have good health and always be happy.because happiness is sth that cannot be bought by money.and after my 21st birthday party.i realised i have been blessed with really great aunties uncles grandma and mommy which can compensate things that i dont get a chance to own or have.i am blessed and i am thankful for what i have.

21st birthday party(25july 2009)was one of the major eevent that shld be noted. it started off with duck and me from home to tpy to bk to ps back to kallang den to ps again.packed a little and stuff.den pz came.and more and more people came after that.i wonuldnt say the party wasnt a success. but i tot i could have made it better someway or another.especially the leftovers that upset grandma and sixth aunt!i am so sorry.everything could have been better.but well, its over and we shall only remember the happy and best part.poeple who attended are people whom i treasure.thank you for making me happy.

before the acutal day.a birthdya surprise at my house downstairs with light sticks!and my 3rd emi cake!acutal day was spend with duckie.went to the new swimming pool in sengkang!awesome.i enjoyed myself.dinner at lerk thai at marina square followed by a R21 movie.hehe.i was really happy that day.even his sis knows that i am happy.thank you duckie.if it wasnt for you. i wouldnt be so happy.(:*on a side note i share the same birthday with the defeated queen!wants to be no.1 for everything.LOL

the weather now is so humid,and i am sweating.

so many things i wanna pen down.but i am getting a little lets get down to facts!
1.spend duckie 22nd birthday(pulau ubin, queensway shopping, che char buffet, kbox,dinner at home)present before i forget is transformer a tshirt and nike shoe
2.teresa came back and left again.she came back with a birthday surprise!
3.i miss duckie so much now.he is off to KL and will only return on monday.i miss you baby.i didnt know i will miss you so much.until now.

mind is going empty.update again when i feel like it!
BYE.i am feeling so warm.
and i have just finished bai quan nu wang(undefeated queen).

i shld be geeting ready for sch to start.JIAYOU.
and i have to pop a camera out by tml.wish me get a good and cheap bargain.

i am glad i live on till today.because i felt love. and i will always want to feel makes you keep going on.
i must learn to make life more beautiful when i have the chance.
snorkelling diving yoga charity travelling helpingthelessfortunate.

JIAYOU courageous and be brave.