Friday, August 28, 2009

28 August 2009,friday midnight.

today is union day in school and so i am free and suppose to spend my time studying and catching up my stuff. HOWEVER i don't seem to be able to find my motivation from anywhere. after all, its still week3. long way still. HAHA. cannot think that way must JIAYOU and study hard. shall touch my organic notes a little before i tuck into my bed later.

have to clean my room early in the morning before meeting sharonliew at town! yea. girls day out tml!(:

my state of mind now.
1. time is flying way too fast for me to appreciate and remember! can't even remember what i did everyday. it seem repetitious and dull. trying hard to make it more meaningful and interesting.
2. mr tree. a little disappointed when it comes to him. i feel that he had changed and things aren't as loving and sweet as before. more of screaming and lying. no longer the mr nice and fantastic guy i always picture him as. but i still love him. or should it be use to have him?i don't know and i am not sure. but we shall continue..
3.i am fickle.i had thoughts about you. it comes and go. i dont know how you think. but i think its more of a NAH. perhaps i am just too sensitive or think too much. let all this bad thoughts go away! its bad and i can't afford it.
4. i need to do well in school. i know.
5. i want better complexion, skinner and be prettier! i know its superficial. and i know there are many other things that are more important. beauty aren't everything. but you can't afford not to have it either. just like money.
6. more friends more outings more oversea trips more laughters.i know i am greedy. i don't understand why can't i be satisfied too.
7. i want to be a better person. doing all the right things and eliminating all the evil thoughts. i must believe that people are good and i shan't have negative views on them. i must learn to be contented.
8. learn to treasure life and be happier.

okay!that's about it.


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