Sunday, May 4, 2008

for a start.

its been so long since i left this blogging thingy.and now i have the sudden urge to start it over again.
today have been a terrible day.early morning he called and said his parents arent happy abt the trip because- IT CLASHES WITH MOTHER"S DAY AND HER PERFORMANCE.and so they started their lecturing about how important is that event and so we have to change the date for the trip.this is so whatever.
and i have been always so stubborn and strong-headed that i refused to change it.simply a NO to that.but at the end of the day i gave in and our trip now is on the 23-25 million of unwillingness.
its such a lousy lousy lousy day.

and i am getting sick of life.

one more hour to duckie and dummy 17 months anniversary.
i still love you duck despite the huge fight we had!

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