Sunday, May 18, 2008

a post.

to my dearest duckie.
i just wanna let you know that i am really not just picking on what you have done.instead i love you and i wanna you to change. perhaps i was a little harsh everytime, but i meant was something good.i promise.and with my horrible temper i know its not possible for me to tolerate little things.not to say the tioman trip.i am really sorry i cant bring myself to totally forgive you.i am really sorry and saying all those unpleasant stuff.really sorry..because i just cant find any other better way for me to bring across my emotion!SORRY.

went to NTU for the corny tea expected was totally impressed or should i say brainwashed. that professor is indeed really good.and so together with the amazing lab and sharon company i have accepted Chemistry and Biological Chemistry in NTU. a little excited though its still so early.haha.*thank you for having my dream come true.

ha.had an really fun celebration yesterday. in fact famous three are really good liars!ha.we conned teresa without letting her suspect anything! skating,dinner at essential brew together with the long planned midnight surprise, come together nicely and ended the day.hope she like the puny tiny neckclace,sunway lagoon photo,handmade jolly shirt and pie-cake!! bird is the next.haha. now is pretty monotonous.neither am i happy nor sad.just living one day after be honest its been so long since i have been really happy for one whole day.just cant even remember the last time when i'm truely happy!everything just different now.
maybe my last outing with miaoxia zheng was the best.the trip to mustafa.thats like so many donkeys days back. i wanna be happier and laughing more.

its time for me to enrich my life.
fitness classes?

looking forward to tomorrow.let me happy once again!

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