Sunday, July 13, 2008


okies back to some blogging.

have ended work at polyclinic finally!another phase of life over and starting a new one again soon.

celebrated duckie's 21st birthday last weekend.although it wasnt really fantastic but i hoped we enjoyed himself and have a memorable gift wasnt really thoughtful but still he hope he love it.belated birthday cake which i made on friday.had lots of fun with duckie when he is out from army.i love SATURDAY because i can spend the whole day with him. we have already catch 3 midnights movies!haha.and without fail one of us will fall asleep!i fall asleep yesterday or today morning rather!the movie ended at 3am!oh man!haha.we had lots of good food too.BUT we lost 20 bucks at jackpot!sad sad!LOL.but i am so looking forward when duckie get his SAFRA card.and more activities for us rather than shopping and movie-ing!hhaha.

OH!i got my new phone.its my dream phone.the phone that i fall in love at first sight!its touchscreen, with fantastic camera and its RED!hhaha.i love my phone.

made a new friend-grace.i love her company.she is so funny..

and bestfriend and sharon is so thoughtful and best buddies!

have been shopping like everyday.haha.wasting so much money.sob!gonna start saving again.

going to SPMS camp tml!argh.lots of uncertainties.

okies that all people!

will update soon!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


back here on the blogging board typing some stuff that had happened.

current state of mind:
what other NTU adminstration part did i missed?
which camp should i go for?
how am i going abt to celebrate duckie's birthday?
online business?

this is so troublesome and when can i have a empty state of mind?

alrights.duckie have been in army for like..10 days already!yay.mean in another 94 hours duckie would be out and be right beside me..

to be honest life without him its a little different.different attiitude from my family..the biggest now i have to get hm like at 10 pm everyday?so ridiculous.

okeis without now is filled with FRIENDS!ha.i really enjoy the company of my friends but do this affect my piority when it comes to BF's call.i am not too sure!hahha.

okies.met up with band's friend like so many times this week!
1. learn to make 2 types of tian tang
2. online business

miss retard have been so sweet to make a photo album for me and the so cute graduation bear!its so super duper sweet!and i am so glad i found a friend like her!may god bless her and let her dream come true!

miss bestfriend.have been such a wonderful of those rare friend whom will go all extend just to help you or fufill your request!i am so so lucky i have found her.and i promise i will treausre this special friendship we share for life!

miss princess have been extremely nice too. the first to get me my birthday gift and its the bag that i love most!omg.i love you s o much girl!

and i bought duckie's birthdya present today!hope he will like it!oh well, he have to no matter what for that army boy!haha.

thats all.

next week will be another packed week!

i wanna stay and home and rot and have money all at the same time!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

i am here again!

currently, sitting in front of the comp on a sunday morning having nothing much to do!

3 major things that happened during this half month!and i am glad i'm happy once again!(:

1. ZOO! duckie and miss dummy went to the zoo on may 18,2008.
the outing started with a tiny fight with a bruise on my right leg!super painful can.
WOW!the zoo have seriously become so different!no longer the same old boring places and new animals!BUT my animal farm was gone.really like that place but its no longer there, but i think they are creating a new home for them. saw the renovating going on.
i especially like the wild life cage where u can actually walk in there and be so so so near to the creatures!i was super paranoid looking ard to spot anything that are too near to me.a groups of squirrals i think was really hyper!scary.and we saw bats too! was indeed an experience.the place really big and both of us was worn out after walking aorund the zoo. and its only for one round.haha!
after the zoo we have ben and jerry ice cream!-the fishy flavour.haha
and after zoo is the movie we watch at AMK hub.-what happen in vegas!

2. tioman trip!
its was a really really fun and eyeopening trip!23-25 May 2008.we took like 8 hours to reach the place(both the coach journey and the ship). we was already doubting if the place if worth this long journey. and tha nswer is YES!
the accomodation is fine, the food is good, the place is beautiful and clean, the water is clear, the stars are beautiful, the sun is amazingly hot and the SNORKELING TRIP was FANTASTIC!haha. the only thing there that its a little disappointing is the night life was boring.however, it may be because its just the 2 of us and i dont drink much and we didnt expect it to be that way so we didnt bring anthing to entertain the trip is still good i would say!and i wanna go snorkeling again at rendang in july.let my dream come true please!
other than the snorkeling, the feeding of fishes at the jetty was fun and memorable too.when u can acutally see the fishes swimming about!
and most importantly i saw SWORDFISHES!hahha.amazing isnt it?ha.all kind of fishes we see there.
and lastly i wanna thank you duck for making out first out of singapore trip so fun and fun!haha.

3. graduation-29 May 2008
alrights indeed the ceremony was boring!but it ended kind of fast so its alrights.ha the feeling of going up the stage was EEE!ha.i was so nervous.this can confirm that i have stage fright for sure!, the photo taking session was fun and fun.its like going ard taking photos and everything.the feeling its good!especially with BROTHER there taking the photos.ha.famous four had many photos!wearing the robe makes everything different!
next we headed to NTU.and there we went to explore!
town next with famous four and boyfriends!ha.the outing was funny!we had dinner and black hold hand with password and retard,bird and monkey is so HAPPY about that!hahha.
i laughed alot that day and i think i am happy again!(:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

a post.

to my dearest duckie.
i just wanna let you know that i am really not just picking on what you have done.instead i love you and i wanna you to change. perhaps i was a little harsh everytime, but i meant was something good.i promise.and with my horrible temper i know its not possible for me to tolerate little things.not to say the tioman trip.i am really sorry i cant bring myself to totally forgive you.i am really sorry and saying all those unpleasant stuff.really sorry..because i just cant find any other better way for me to bring across my emotion!SORRY.

went to NTU for the corny tea expected was totally impressed or should i say brainwashed. that professor is indeed really good.and so together with the amazing lab and sharon company i have accepted Chemistry and Biological Chemistry in NTU. a little excited though its still so early.haha.*thank you for having my dream come true.

ha.had an really fun celebration yesterday. in fact famous three are really good liars!ha.we conned teresa without letting her suspect anything! skating,dinner at essential brew together with the long planned midnight surprise, come together nicely and ended the day.hope she like the puny tiny neckclace,sunway lagoon photo,handmade jolly shirt and pie-cake!! bird is the next.haha. now is pretty monotonous.neither am i happy nor sad.just living one day after be honest its been so long since i have been really happy for one whole day.just cant even remember the last time when i'm truely happy!everything just different now.
maybe my last outing with miaoxia zheng was the best.the trip to mustafa.thats like so many donkeys days back. i wanna be happier and laughing more.

its time for me to enrich my life.
fitness classes?

looking forward to tomorrow.let me happy once again!

Monday, May 5, 2008


ha!its really different kind of experience when working with your friends aorund. so much fun and laughters.

the agency just called and said no room for us on 23-25. into another dilema again!
but we have decided to upgrade our room in order to stick to our date!sians!
PLEASE just let me have the superior room and have no more changes!please!

i am really getting very irritated for this trip!


a trip to science center.

3 may 2008
the first trip that we have promised.kind of inpromtu though!

reached science center at about 3pm.

the first exhibit we saw was a series of pictures and stuff that allows us to discover unexpected a angry man tranforming into a happy with a just 180 degree took a long time to figure those out.another was a illusion of yourself going down a stairs when you are actually on flat ground.ha!

moving on, we passed by the atrium where a old scientist man was climbing up and down on a rope which was there like 7 years ago.we then went to look around the different exhibit hall which displays things like genome and chemistry.

one of the exhibit which is worth mentioning was the dinosaurs alive exhibition.actually we were already greeted by a huge moving dino at the entrance which disgusted me.and inside the exhibit hall there were so many more.scary creatures.dino arent to my liking for sure!

duck was interested in the viruses displays.and was getting paranoid if they were showing the real virus.LOL.

the human body corner was nice too.exploring the different part of your body. there was one eye game where we tried like 10 times until duck finally got the perfect answer of 36. i am still doubting if he was honest abt that!hahah. we continued wondering about the center until 6pm.

6pm.was the movie grand canyon adventure at omni theatre.sounds fun and exciting right.

yes. the theatre was indeed overwhelming and fancisnating.BUT the movie was defintely a disappointment!no exciting storyline,no funny scene, absoultely nothing but just a plain boring documentary movie. duck and i knock off like 3 times throughout the 40 min.blame us for not reading the summary before deciding on the movie!ha.but was quite an adventure.

there we ended our science center trip!

one of the nice date we have!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

for a start.

its been so long since i left this blogging thingy.and now i have the sudden urge to start it over again.
today have been a terrible day.early morning he called and said his parents arent happy abt the trip because- IT CLASHES WITH MOTHER"S DAY AND HER PERFORMANCE.and so they started their lecturing about how important is that event and so we have to change the date for the trip.this is so whatever.
and i have been always so stubborn and strong-headed that i refused to change it.simply a NO to that.but at the end of the day i gave in and our trip now is on the 23-25 million of unwillingness.
its such a lousy lousy lousy day.

and i am getting sick of life.

one more hour to duckie and dummy 17 months anniversary.
i still love you duck despite the huge fight we had!